A blog about pictures. Pictures of flowers, birds, animals, nature!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
It's Officially Fall but...
Yes, the calendar says it's Fall, officially, yet even here in Michigan there are still a few signs that summer lingers. The Morning Glories are in all their glory right now with the vines going every which way. The window box flowers are still going strong and the Zinnias are still blooming. It won't be long now though until the first frost zaps them all and turns everything brown. Summer is almost really over.
Born and raised in California, moved to Florida at 16, married with 3 kids who are all grown up and we now have two precious Granddaughters. Moved to Michigan where we lived for 27 years, now "retired" and moved back to Florida with my husband and two sweet little doggies. Love to take pictures, especially now that I got a new camera! And all I have to do is "just push the button".
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